Deacon and Deaconess Information


Welcome New Deacons

Attendance Count
We have customarily taken the attendance count right after we collect the offering. This seems to be under-counting the attendance because some people are still arriving. If you are involved in the count, please wait until 11:45 to take attendance, and don’t forget to count people in the kitchen and mothers’ room.

Thermostat Settings
Our thermostats are capable of being remotely controlled. During summer months, I set the sanctuary to 68° before church service or any other meeting. The system is aging and doesn’t quite keep up with a large crowd. Last year we had three separate HVAC failures: a fan, low refrigerant in a unit, and a limit sensor failure, so please pay attention to ensure the system is operating correctly. During winter months, I heat the sanctuary to 68° before church service, then switch to cooling for the actual service. Even during the coldest days, the cooler has to kick on at some point during the service. I typically set the sanctuary coolers to 73° during the winter months.

Collecting the Offering
The church clerk faithfully produces and distributes the offering schedule and highlights who is the team lead for that week. We share that responsibility with the deaconesses. It is always best if you can notify the team lead if you will not be present and provide the name of someone who will substitute for you.  Be aware of when you are asked to serve and the need to check that you have a full team present well before the service starts.